Warhammer: Chaosbane review
Chaosbane is exactly what you’d expect if you heard the words “mid-budget Warhammer Diablo clone”. No more, no less. You pick one of four heroes, you kill endless hordes of creatures and you loot progressively shinier trousers, stopping occasionally to fight a larger, tougher monster with an annoying area attack. That’s it. I wouldn’t call it a bad game, but it is a mediocre and derivative one, and far too repetitive for its own good. It’s Diablo, but Warhammer.
The Warhammer licence does help a little, particularly in the enemy design. Each Act is framed as a battle against followers of a different chaos god (representing war, magic, disease and sexy times respectively), and there’s a deep pool of appropriate monsters to draw from for each, including a big end of level boss. I particularly enjoyed fighting Slaanesh, whose agile followers would backflip out of combat and manoeuvre around, preventing fights from descending into one big mosh pit.
Technically there’s a story that links these acts together, but it’s so basic my eyes started glazing over in the very first cutscene. I didn’t expect a compelling narrative, but after the cheerful banter of Vermintide and Mechanicus, I was hoping for something at least mildly entertaining. The standard is pretty high for Warhammer tie-ins nowadays, and Chaosbane fails to reach them.
Overall points:5.8/10